Thursday, 24 March 2016

Volcano Animations

Here are our final products - Animations of Erupting Volcanoes


  1. Thank you for sharing your volcano animations. I liked the props you have used, the backgrounds you have created and the way you have used play dough to create the lava effect. Have you had a chance to look at each others? I imagine you will get so many ideas from each other as well as from the group you worked with. I am very impressed with your first attempts with animation, I noticed a few accidental hands in the shots but that always happens when we are learning. Isn't it amazing how may shots you need to create a very short animation! Did you work out how many photos you needed for 1 second of animatin? 10 seconds of animation? 30 seconds?

  2. Blake Bennett1 May 2016 at 11:24

    Nice creation bro!

  3. Hey Room 1, my name's Jayda and Im from Kawakawa primary School. I really like Your Volcano animations. How long did it take to Plan these?
    Jayda x
