Monday, 8 December 2014

Year Four Camp

Well we all had a fantastic time last week at Year Four Camp at Cooper's Beach. We stayed at the Cooper's Beach Christian Camp. The weather was stunning and we did lots of fun activities. We visited the rock pools and checked out all the creatures living there. We challenged ourselves on the confidence course and sped down the waterslide, slipping ans sliding everywhere. Mrs Craig even gave it a go! We also went fishing off Whangaroa Wharf. Jessica, Stella and Arlo caught keepers, Matilda caught some bait and all the others were too small so we had to throw them back. Congratulations to Arlo who caught the first fish but threw it back to keep Tangaroa happy. Thanks to all the parent helpers who helped to look after us. We all had a blast!
Here are a few photos of us at the Rock Pools.  We will post some more photos later.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

An Action Packed Week

Last week we had a very busy week with lots of exciting things happening. Gina from Project Energise came and taught us how to do long jump and high jump. There are some very good jumpers in Room 9. We had our first lesson on water safety using life jackets and learning techniques on how to float. Then to top the week off we had Kids Can Cook Kitchen with Chef Chris Fortune. Check out the video of our time with Chris. We made French crepes and filled them with silverbeet and apple.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Video Star Version 2

Here is our Video Star Version 2. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Video Star

Today a small group were lucky to be chosen to work with Mrs Stevenson's daughter to create a video star.  Here is the video they have created.  We have viewed and critiqued it, in hope to improve it on Thursday.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

First week of Term 4

We all had an amazing first week back for Term 4.  We had our annual visit from Harold with Life Education.  He taught us about the systems in our body.  We also learnt how to read food labels and how much Fat, Sugar and Salt we should be eating. We also had Gina from Project Energise.  This term we are focusing on Run, Jump and Throw.  Duffy also presented an amazing show to us about the importance of Reading.  The week was topped off by our Greats and Grands Day.  We all had a wonderful time with our grandparents.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Our Assembly

On Friday it was our assembly.  We took the school on a plane trip around the world, stopping of at different countries in each continent.  The children selected a country and created a presentation and a virtual field trip using we-video about their country.  Here are some pictures of our assembly.



Thursday, 28 August 2014

Cross Country

Room 9 had a very successful day at the annual Cross Country held at our School on Wednesday.  Before the Cross Country they all set themselves a goal and most of them achieved their goal.  We had lots of placings too.
Here are a few photos from the day.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Science Fair

Yahoo! The science fair day had finally come.  We were all excited to share our science experiments with the rest of the school.  Here are some photos of our experiments.



Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Balloon Blow-up Experiment

We are really enjoying our science experiments.  Everyone is looking forward to completing their own experiment ready for the science fair.  Here is a video of a experiment we did using baking soda, vinegar, a bottle and a balloon.
We did this experiment three times.  We change the amount of vinegar we used the second time and the amount of baking soda the second time.  More baking soda produced a bigger balloon.
As the baking soda mixes with vinegar a chemical reaction takes place and creates carbon dioxide which blows up the balloon.

Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3 - a very fun packed term with lots of things happening. We have started our science experiments ready for the science fair in week five.  We have been following the Commonwealth Games and are very proud of New Zealand.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

New Bikes

Today we had a very special delivery to our school.  We are now the proud owners of 15 new bikes.  Our class was lucky enough to be chosen to be the first ones to use the bikes.  Here is a picture of us all with the bikes.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Communication over time

This term we have been busy looking at the history of communication.  We researched different types of communication and discussed why communication has changed over time.  We put a timeline presentation together to share our findings.

Click on the above image to view our presentation!

Thursday, 15 May 2014


For the last two weeks we have been exploring Geometry.  We have looked at 2D and 3D shapes, symmetry, reflection, rotation, translation and tessellation.  We have been using shapes to create pictures.  Here are a couple of pictures that the children have created.

May 15, 2014 1:33:34 PM.jpg
A robot by Arlo

May 15, 2014 11:48:45 AM.jpg
A rocket by Royston

May 15, 2014 12:00:00 PM.jpg
A table with food by Jorja

May 15, 2014 1:58:03 PM.jpg
A person by Georgia.

Everyone has poster their tessellation patterns and their 2D shape pattern to their blog. We are looking forward to seeing if we get any comments.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Term Two

Welcome to Term Two.
We all had a very exciting morning with a visit from the U20's New Zealand Football team.  They bought along the World Cup Trophy that they will be playing for next year.  We all got to have our photo taken with it.  We also got to player little games and learn lots of skills and tricks from the team.

Adam has met Beckham.

Nikora was a star!

Georgia and Charlee with the Trophy.

The team arriving at school.

Watching the tricks!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Buzzy Bees

We have made our own buzzy bees from egg cartons.  
 Our buzzy bee before we added the wings and antennae.

Honey Place

We had an amazing class trip today to The Honey Place in Kerikeri.  We got to experience what it is like in a beehive, in the biggest beehive in New Zealand and Australia.  We got to see the Queen bee laying eggs, the worker bees looking after and feeding the babies and even the worker bees doing the waggle dance.  It was truly amazing to watch the bees in action and see everything that we have learnt in action.
We even got to taste some different types of honey.  When we returned to school we made our own wax candles.
 The biggest hive in New Zealand.
Bees at work inside the hive. 
 Can you spot the Queen bee?  All the worker bees form a circle and turn to face the Queen.
Back at school making our wax candles.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Last week Elgregoe the magician visited our school to preform his you've got the power show.  His show teaches key values that relate to our school values.  This year his show talked about cyber bullying which related nicely with our focus this term.  We all enjoyed his magic tricks.  Callum got to be one of his assistants.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Justin Blaikie visited our class on Thursday wearing his bee suit.  He came and shared his knowledge about bees with us. We learnt lots about bees from him.  Justin created a powerpoint presentation and showed us some you tube clips about how bees pollinate and how they make honey.  We also found out some of the threats to bees.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Room 9 had a very exciting morning at the Chrome book Unboxing Party.  We were so happy to finally receive our very own chrome books which we have been working hard to learn how to use.  We are getting really good at logging in and navigating our way around our Room 9 site.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Welcome to Room 9's blog for 2014!  We are a Year 4 class made up of 23 amazing learners.  This year we are beginning our learning journey on Chrome Books.  We are looking forward to un-boxing these on Wednesday 12th February at 10am.  In the meantime we are busy preparing for them and learning all about how to be safe online.

This year's theme is about Learning Together.

This term we are focusing on the School Mission Statement and the School Values.  We are also studying bees.  We have written some wondering questions we have about bees and written them up onto small hexagons and created a honeycomb feature.

We have also completed a jigsaw activity for art.  Everyone was given a small jigsaw piece to copy and make larger.  We then put all the pieces together to create a very interesting piece of artwork.  Do you know what it is?